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Ebook We Need to Talk About Kevin, by Lionel Shriver

Ebook We Need to Talk About Kevin, by Lionel Shriver

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We Need to Talk About Kevin, by Lionel Shriver

We Need to Talk About Kevin, by Lionel Shriver

We Need to Talk About Kevin, by Lionel Shriver

Ebook We Need to Talk About Kevin, by Lionel Shriver

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We Need to Talk About Kevin, by Lionel Shriver


“Ms. Shriver takes a calculated risk . . . but the gamble pays off as she strikes a tone of compelling intimacy.” (Wall Street Journal)“Furiously imagined.” (Seattle Times)“An underground feminist hit.” (New York Observer)“A slow, magnetic descent into hell that is as fascinating as it is disturbing.” (Cleveland Plain Dealer)“Shriver handles this material, with its potential for cheap sentiment and soap opera plot, with rare skill and sense.” (Newark Star Ledger)“Powerful [and] harrowing.” (Entertainment Weekly)“Impossible to put down.” (Boston Globe)

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From the Back Cover

Eva never really wanted to be a mother—and certainly not the mother of a boy who ends up murdering seven of his fellow high school students, a cafeteria worker, and a much-adored teacher who tried to befriend him, all two days before his sixteenth birthday. Now, two years later, it is time for her to come to terms with marriage, career, family, parenthood, and Kevin’s horrific rampage, in a series of startlingly direct correspondences with her estranged husband, Franklin. Uneasy with the sacrifices and social demotion of motherhood from the start, Eva fears that her alarming dislike for her own son may be responsible for driving him so nihilistically off the rails.

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Product details

Paperback: 432 pages

Publisher: Harper Perennial; Tie-In ed. edition (December 27, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0062119044

ISBN-13: 978-0062119049

Product Dimensions:

5.3 x 1 x 8 inches

Shipping Weight: 10.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.1 out of 5 stars

1,247 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#28,854 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Was it just me or did Ms Shriver use every word in the dictionary that most people either have never heard of or rarely use? I found that to be extremely annoying and hard to get close to the characters due to my feeling she thought she was above everyone else - including her audience. I am not a dumb person -college educated, and I found her to be condescending in her writing or was that on purpose to assist the reader in disliking Eva. Eva is not a "bad" person, nor is Franklin. They had two different parenting styles. I believe nature and nurture were both part of Kevin's destruction. Eva never wanted to have a baby and should have gone with her instincts. She wanted to make Franklin happy. Some people are not meant to have children - she was one of those people. Were their problems with Kevin that neither one of them caused? Yes, absolutely. Kevin was born with severe hatred in him. Did Eva dislike him for it or just because he represented a change to her idylic life? Both. She disliked him and sensed the inherent "bad" in him. He couldn't hide it from her and she was too smart and perceptive to miss the signs. Franklin is more of the confusing character to me. He either was not smart enough to see the "real Kevin" or he truly didn't want to see it. Where was the therapy? Where were the interventions? If Eva knew there was a problem, why didn't she get him to see a professional? And please, someone please explain to me her having another child? She used Celia as a test, yes a test to see if it was her or Kevin as the problem. You don't have a child to "test" a theory. Eva knew Kevin destroyed Celia's eye. Why not get the girl and get the hell out of that house. Save your daughter for goodness sakes! I read this book like I read all books - the first chapter, then the last and then the middle to understand it better. I did not like this book. I did not like any of the characters. But, then again, were we supposed to? I think not. I bought this book after the tragic Connecticut Sandy Hook shooting. I wanted to understand how and why a person could do this. I still don't know - even after reading this book. BY the way - as usual the movie is not true in all aspects to the book. If you want the real story - read the book.

We Need to Talk About Kevin is not an essy book, but it makes you think.personally i put it right with My Sister's Keeper, Lolita and The Murderer's Daughters. which are all books i read that made me think and feel something more- books that somewhere deep in my heart i even despise a bit (especially Lolita)and with books like Never Let Me Go and Unwind that i haven't read yet but i probably would.once every so often comes this kind of book that ask moral questions. in this book it is the mother questioning herself if the fact that her son did what he did on that Thursday is her fault as his mother- a fault in how she raised him.truthfully speaking there's a lot to say about this book- starting with the psycopath son who committed a mascare to the mother who stands by him out of obligatory, loving him though not sure why, having an ambivalent relationship with him. bith are fighting each other and very aware of each other's personality.Eva is used to traveling around the world writing traveler's guide, admiring different cultures, judging the American culuture. she is used to be free- even after she marries Franklin, who is the ultimate American in a way. he loves America, he's a patriot, living the American dream. i think you get the point. the American woman that judges America constantky, feeling like a stranger in her own homeland has married a man who is all American can be.a chain of events result in Eva and Franklin deciding to have a baby. she's 37. while pregnant, Eva starts to feel that the child in her womb is not hers, that all the instructions she gets as to how to act in her pregnancy are actually evicting her from her own body and free will. she starts to hold a grudge against the baby. when the baby comes to the world, Eva fails to connect to him. and since then, the two starts a struggle, a war between them over control.one unable to connect and one unable to admit his needs. whole we see that in some aspects Kevin is evil, Shriver uses the story mainly to criticize the American culture and the American dream. that would have been okay if said once or twice, but not for 400 pages. after the third time it becomes somewhat dull, boring and chewed.what keeps on being interesting is how Eva claims to love her husband yet, she hates his American attitude. she claims to be brave but not even once fight in order to stop her son from behaving badly and hurting others. she tries her best to be mommy of the year- but each and every gesture is forced. each kiss, each hug. and yet, she wants to connect top her son.when her son is around seven, Eva decides to give birth to another child- a girl, who is very different from her son. she's obedient, afraid of almost everthing except her brother, quiet, tries hard to please, kind and not very bright.an accident in the house causes the girl to lose an eye, and Eva blames Kevin. after 15 years of fighting between her and Franklin, fights regarding Kevin with Eva blaming Franklin for always protecting Kevin and believing his every word and he blaming her for always seeing the bad in Kevin the decide to divorce. this, seemingly, leads to Kevin deciding to commit the thursday.what the book tries to say is quite simple- beside criticizimg the American society, culture and dream- when a woman doesn't want to be a mother, perhaps she shouldn't be. and yet, a mother love her child. i have to admitt, life inside of Kevin's head would have been boring. and i hated the self justified Eva, who criticized everyone while being herself very american. somewhat admiring herself (like her son admired her) but she was cold, selfish and a coward. a coward that stood by while seeing the truth infront of her, and maybe that made her less bad then her husband who refused to see the truth, but even so, that is no excuse.to summarise, though i do recommand it, and though criticizing is welcome, everthing has to be done in a measure. anyhow, this would most likely, probably, by 99.9% chance would be my last book by lionel shriver.

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